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Office Bureau R, F & A.L.
Jasper, Tennessee Jan'y 18, 1866.

General: I accept the appointment of Superintendent of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for Jasper and vicinity, and this day enter upon the discharge of the duties assigned me; and shall endeavor to act in all matters that may come before me for adjustment, as though I know I were to meet all the [[?]] at the Judgement Bar of God at the close of each trial. I wrote to you three days ago, through Capt P. B. Lucas, Superintendent of The Bureau at Chattanooga, Tennessee; and will hope for an early answer. I may not forward that for a few days, in order to hear from the magistrate, and learn whether or not they become agents of The Bureau. From my knowledge of the men, I am firmly convinced that but few of them will accept an agency, or have anything to do with the Bureau, if they can avoid it. In my letter of the [[18th?]] I made several inquiries, to which I beg leave to add one more. Must I address you through Capt. P. B. Lucas, Sup't of the Bureau at Chattanooga? That City is twenty five miles east of Jasper, by land, and more by Railway. We have no post office here. Nickajack, or Shellmound, on the Nashville and Chattanooga

Transcription Notes:
"Nickajack" is the name of a lake in chattanooga