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Carlisle Nicholas Co.
Kentucky Feby 15, 1866

Bt. Maj. Gen. C B. Fisk
Asst. Comr Ky. & Tenn.

Dear Sir, 
My appointment as Superintendent of Freedman &c for this Country was not received by me as early as it would have been from the fact that it was directed "A C Seeley" in stead of J H Seely, there being no such person in this County as A. C. Seeley; I now inform you that I accept the appointment and shall endevor to discharge the duties enjoined with scruples fidelity, and to the satisfaction of all concearned; Is there any other compensation besides that named in your Circular to=wit the fee of fity cents for making the contract. There is not many Freedmen in this County compaired with some other Counties in Kentucky; But nevertheless it will take a goodeal of time to attend to it and if there is no other conpensation other than the one above refered too it is certainly very poor pay for the time and trouble necessary in its discharge; Very respectfully Yours
John H Seeley
Supt Freedman &c N.C. Ky.

P.S. I shoul have informed you that there is no other person in the County named Seeley.