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Superintendent Refugees, Freedmen, & Abandoned Lands,

Brownsville, Tenn., Feby 21st 1866.

Bvt Maj Genl C B Fisk

Dear Sir
In persuance to your order in the case D W Harston v.s Saul Donaway I summoned the parties before me on the 20th Inst. and proceeded to investigate the case. Also had the negro woman [[?]] present Mr Harston fail in any instance to sustain his case and the proof was altogether against her The woman stated that Mr Harston induced her to go to his house by promising to give her one half of what he and her both could made but when he made the contract he only promised to give her $50 and she was to clothe herself & child & pay her own Dr Bills consequently she became unsatisfied and went to Mr Donaways and excepted her contract for $50.00 & her clothing and Dr Bills for self & child consequently I permited the woman to return to Mr Donaways

R C Scott Supt