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the mule seemed gentle, and not disposed to leave it late rider. A Jury of inquest was held over the body of deceased, but what their verdict was, I am not informed. A pistol, cocked, was found near deceased, on the ground. The mule and pistol are still in the possession of Guilford Green to be delivered to the owner or owners, whenever applied for. Mrs Gott is an old and respectable lady. Guildford Green is a discharged Federal soldier. I derived my information this morning from Lieut James Be Roulston, first Lieutenant, Company F, fifth Tennessee Cavelry (Federal) commanded by Col W. B. Strokes. Lieut Roulston got his information from one of the Jury of Inquest, Mr. Holloway, two or three days ago, here in Jasper.

If this information be correct, it is clear that William Clark, Freedman, named in your letter of inquiry, was one of the assaulting party. Your own good sense will dictate to you the course you should take and pursue.

From my instruction from General Fisk, I am not certain that my jurisdiction extends beyond the limits of my county. Of your own jurisdiction you will be the judge.

In haste, Yours Truly.  Mr. A. Sorrells
Supt B R F and A.L.