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drew their pistols, cocked them and presented them, whereupon Mr Green shot the Negro that was rideing off of his mule. The Negroes pistol fired almost at the same instant Mr Greens gun did. The Negroes fired three shots, one takeing affect in Mr G.W. Turners shoulder: and then ran off leaveing their curam cumrad and his mule on the ground. The civil authority was sent for. A jury of inquest was summonsed and held over the body of the dead Negro. He had a six shooter army pistol - Colts patent, the pistol was all loaded, except one chamber. The cap on one chamber had bursted without fireing it off, and the second one had fired. He had no affect about his person but the Butt and Scabbord of the pistol, he  had one paper, was all that could be found. It reads as follows to wit - Office SBRF & AL
Chattanooga Tenn
Jan 8 1866
The Beauror has permition to pass through the city at all times (signed) W B Lucas Capt & SBRF & AL