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possession. I then informed him that one step further and the Bureau would relinquish all controll of the property, and undertook to tell him how to proceed but he obstinately refused to listen to any suggestions I had to make saying he had done all he intended to do, that he had legal possession and intended to keep it and would continue to collect the rents as they came due in defiance of the Bureau that he held possession by virtue of the highest authority known the "Judiciary" and said he would sue for the rents as they came due if they were not paid without. I forbid the Lessee from paying any more rents to Arnold (Sen) until further orders.
My papers do not show that the property has been restored but in pencil made by Capt. Walker opposite the Reuben Arnold lease reads, "No orders on file showing that this property has been restored" "Inquire."  I did inquire with the result above stated. 
I would most respectfully ask for instruction in this case and will withold any action until I hear from you officialy, with definite instructions how to proceed in this particular case, and on my return trip I will comply with any instructions you may send me. Write to this place
I have the honor to be Lieut,
Your Most Obedient Servant
J.M. Tracy Capt V.R.C.
& Rental Agent.