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Court, which I reported to Capt. Walker. with dates of Salk &c. I next went to Huntsville in Scott, Co. and only found one piece of property held in that County, which had not been leased in '66 but had been in '65; This piece of property had been sold by order of the Chancery Court of the County, and purchased by a loyal man.
On leaving Huntsville I had to recross the Mountain & Jacksboro. and proceeded up Rowelle Valley into Claiborne County, where I visited all the farms, leased for '66 collected rents so far as could be done on that Class of property; that, that had not been controled [[controlled] in 1866 by the Bureau, I obtained all the information I could concerning it. and left the County via Tazwell, crossed Clinch River. Clinch Mt to Rutledge the County seat of Granger, made short work of the little property held in that County, and recrossed Clinch Mountain to Union County & found two farms, owned by Allen Hurst, collected rents on one, and rerented the same to the present Lesse [[Lessee]]; on the other & best farm I was unable to collect any rents, or release for 1867 in consequence of this property having been sold 3 or 4 times by Decree of the Chancery County to satsfy [[satisfy]] claims against Hurst; not succeeding in finding any one who was willing to lease from me & have the present occupant a union man. also a purchaser dispossessed I was unable to find the other piece of property, or to learn that such a man as the supposed former owner had ever lived in Union County, or was known at all. I then went back to Knoxville, and spent two days, got a new supply of papers, and proceeded through