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Bureau R.F.& A. Lands
Office Sub Dist Comr
Nashville Sub Dist
Nashville Apl 20" 67

Respectfully referred to Bt. Maj. Gen. W.P. Carlin Asst Comr State of Tenn. 

Mich Walsh
Capt V.R.C. and Sub
Asst Com'r


Asst Commr's Office
Nashville Tenn
April 20th 1867

Respectfully referred to Bvt. Brig. Genl. Duncan, Comg Dist of Nashville with the request that a Detachment of five men be sent to Clarksville with orders to report to Capt J.M. Tracy V.R.C. for the purpose of arresting one Black, a desperado & murderer, charged now with assault on a freedman.

W.P. Carlin
Maj & Bvt Maj Genl
Asst Comr

EB 167

Head Quarters Dist of Nashville
Nashville Tenn. Apr 21st 1867 -

Respectfully referred to Lieut Fred Rosencrantz, Comd'g U.S. Troops at Ford Donelson who will send a send a Detachment of five men in charge of a discreet non-commissioned officer within to report to Capt James R. Tracy V.R.C. at Clarksville Tenn for the purpose of assisting in the capture of John Black within named. Lieut Rosencrantz is hereby instructed to see that said John Black is arrested and bound over in satisfactory bonds to keep the peace and to answer to the next session of the Court to whatever charges may be brought against him, These papers to be returned with report of action.

By order of Bvt. Brig. Genl. T. Duncan
M Barber 
Lt 42 Inf A.A.A.G.