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Office Cumberland River National Cemetery,
Dover, Tenn., April 24th, 1867

Capt. V.R.C. and Ag't Clarksville Tenn.

As per letter written by you dated April 19th, 1867, to Capt. Mich'l Walsh. Sub. Asst. Com'r. B.R.F.and A.L. Nashville, Tenn. - referred by him to W. P. Carlin. Maj. and Bvt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A. - referred by him to Bvt. Brig. Genl. T Duncan, Hd. Qrs. Dist. of Nashville, and from thence referred to me with the following endorsement thereon. Viz:

Hd. Qrs. Dist of Nashville, Tenn.
Nashville, Apr 21st 1867

"Respectfully referred to Lt. Fred Rosencrantz Comdg
"U.S. Troops at Ft. Donelson Tenn, who will send a 
"Detachment of five men in charge of a discreet
"Non-commissioned officer, to report to Capt James
"R. Tracy, V.R.C. at Clarksville, Tenn for the 
"purpose of assisting in the capture of John Black
"within named Lieut Rosencrantz is hereby instructed
"to see that said John Black is arrested and bound 
"over in satisfactory