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Head Quarters, issued upon application of the Governor, Mayor of a City, or other Civil Officer to General Thomas. 

The officers in command will however at all times, assume the right, and consider it their duty, to suppress riots & prevent bloodshed when in their power. 

As there will probably be more changes of note on election day and at political meetings, than at any other time, it would be well that the troops be kept in hand, at their quarters, on such days for two reasons: that there may be no charge against them for interference with the election or political affairs, and that they may be in readiness to suppress riots.

Whenever the troops do move to the assistance of the Civil Authorities, it should be for the purpose of seeing that no persons interfere with the officers of the law, to prevent them from the proper exercise of their offices, and not for the purpose of making arrest; neither will officers in command, allow themselves to be made the custodians of prisoners