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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Knox County, Tennessee.
Knoxville, Tenn., Jan 31st, 1867

Bvt Lt Col. M. H. Church
Chief Supt Chattanooga Sub Dist
Chattanoog Tenn.

Enclosed herewith I have the honor to forward through your Office - to the Asst Comr - an Abstract - with vouchers - Showing the number of Rations issued to destitute Freedmen in this County during the present month.

As quite a number of the cases embraced in my Estimate had been temporarily provided for by Citizens and the East Tenn Relief Allocation it has not been found necessary to issue as many rations as was then supposed .The amount on hand now will in my opinion be sufficient for the month of February.

Very respectfully
Saml Walker
Bvt Capt & Supt