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Bureau R.F. and A. Lands
Office Chief Superintendent
Nashville Sub District
Nashville Feb 1st 1867

Bt Maj Genl Wm P. Carlin
Asst. Com'r Tenn.


In compliance with Special Orders No. 6. Par II. C.S. from Head Quarters. Bureau R.F. and A.L. I have the honor to report that after a full and thorough investigation of the case of William White (col'd) vs. John White citizen for the restoration of his wife and children through application made to Maj Genl George H Thomas on November 10th 1866.

I find that such application should not be granted.

From the affidavit of his wife and on other information I am perfectly satisfied that he is a worthless and dissipated negro who has not for years contributed anything toward the support of wife or family, but rather spent all the little earnings she made.

He left her of his own free will and for a length of time previous to his leaving he used to beat her. When I brought their