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Transcription: [00:31:03]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
That I can do it's- it's- it's amazing it's such and amazing feeling to [clapping begins] be able to see that [applaud continues]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Are there questions from the audience, any thoughts?


[background noise]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 3"}
Yes, I'd like to direct this question to [Sita?] and Rico. [Pause] I'm sure you know [?] have some-uh- urge to put stuff on public buildings. Well, the reason why I'm asking this question is I'm from Southern New Mexico, and I walked trails for the BLM and we have dams on the royals to catch the water because it's very dry. We have one particular dam that's favorite, people putting stuff on. So my question is, do you think there is anything the community could do to try and deter these people or you think just- they're just going to have that urge, they want to have the display opposed to [?] they don't really care where they put the graffiti cause it's, you know, they're putting it on- on a dam, it's not in a, in a national monument. I'm just wondering if there is some way we could offer them some other outlets in the community to do that?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
I mean one thing that has always helps is having an alternative, so if there are walls that are set up as a- you know- they call them, like open walls and- you know - provide a space for folks to come paint every weekend- You'll probably see that curve a little bit and everything in life you're going to have cool people and then people that are kind of jerks, so no matter what they're going to be tagging houses and cars and I mean those people are just- not much you can do about those folks but in general if you cultivate a culture where you're embracing it as an art form and -uh- watching these kids grow-you know- as we've done in our careers-um- from, you know, kids that are like tagging, to maybe they assist us on murals and- you know- now they're- um- doing larger corporate projects and they're now professionals- you know- you get to cultivate the culture and kind of help direct people to more- uhm- to- for options. I think it's always good.