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Bolivar, Tenn.
Oct. 7th 1868.

Lieut. W. H. Bower
Nashville Tenn.


Your favor of the 2nd wish, rec'd, and much obliged for the information therein contained and will govern myself accordingly.

I made a trip, as you are officially aware, to Grand Junction, and from thence to Pocahantas and back, and  desire as intimated in my report to visit the entire Dist. during this month, but after examining all the order &c furnished me, I can find nothing that will give me miliage for the one already, or any other journey I may perform, nor any thing authorizing me to issue an order in the previous; I would love therefore to furnished with such authority as will authorize such travel as circumstances may require, and upon which mileage will be paid;

Please cause some blanks for mileage & postage to be sent to me & oblige, and let me hear from you in regard to the authority above, as I want to start out about the 15th or 20th inst.

Yours truly
T.H. Reeves
Bvt. Lt. Col &c