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shop; and after night some unknown persons were seen going in the direction of the river, and in a short time thereafter, a voice as of one in the agony of death was heard in that direction, and the old negro has not been seen or heard of since.

   I had private interviews with men of both political parties, and they are all actually afraid to open their mouths against these men, and say if I should make public their names in connection with the above information, they could not live then;  On the 22nd Noland the supposed ring leader went before E. Dorris his brother in law, submitted his case, for assaulting the negro, and was fined twelve dollars;  Noland denies any knowledge of the disappearance of the old negro, or the execution of the other one.

   From all the facts and circumstances connected with the case, I give as my belief that the old negro was murdered, and perhaps thrown into the river, with a rock tied to him, and that the circumstances of the whole affair indicate that Noland and his party who assaulted the old man are responsible for his sudden disappearance;  and if he is not found alive I must think they are his murderers, and if his, also of the one found hung.

I will lay the matter before the Attorney General at court, and see what actions the civil authorities will take. I will furnish the names of witnesses and otherwise assist them as I can.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt. Servant
T.H. Reeves
Bvt. Lieut Col U.S.A.
Sub Asst. Com'r

Transcription Notes:
some illegible words have been struck through