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Nashville Tenn
July 2.. 1868.

General Wm. P. Carlin U.S.A.
Asst. Commissioner B.R.F. & A.L.
Nashville Tenn.

Dear General.
A cordial invitation is respectfully extended to yourself and staff, to join in the Ceremonies on the 4th July, and a prominent place has been assigned you, on the procession.
It is earnestly hoped you will find it Convenient to take part with us on this, the 93rd birth day of our National Independence. 
The arrangement was not perfected in time to notify you sooner, but it is sincerely trusted, you will Countenance by your own presence, and that of your staff by joining in the public procession on that glorious anniversary day, in which all have a common interest, the successful carrying out of the arrangements, which will be published in the Morning papers.