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Carthage Tennessee,
July 6th 1868

Rev W.P. Carlin

Dear Sir,

As the time for closing school is approaching I desire to know something concerning it. I believe it is the custom of the Bureau to furnish transportations for the teachers in returning home; or at least I am under that impression. If this is fine I should like to know it soon, and if not please let me know. Also how will I make arrangements about my Report and pay for this month to the 16th. at which time my school closes, I can make out a report and send to you immediately after closing school, but where and when shall I expect to receive my check or monthly wages as formerly. Expect I will leave here before it will arrive, unless you could send it immediately after the close of school. Please give me what information necessary and oblige yours &c.

Very Respectfully
Your Ob't Servt
Edmund Stanley

Teacher Freedmens School Carthage Tenn.