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the benches and learned that the colored men had made them, consequently they thought they had no right to receipt for them. Mr. Wilson has collected money for the alleged purpose of building a chimney in said house, but no chimney has been built. This money was raised by a five cent tax upon each child, and in some instances by a stoppage from bounties as he [[illegible]] them. One Frank Jones Cold paid seven dollars, [[illegible]] suffered that amount stopped from his bounty for that purpose

I have made a statement of such facts as have been told to me. I ask what control he has over the house or Teacher that I have hired.

It is somewhat annoying to the Directors and myself and if he still has the power to prevent our having a Colored School here and thereby keep this District from drawing their state money, we wish to know it, and if anything more should be done by the Directors they ought to know it.

The School for the white children has been taught and closed some months since, and could have drawn their first state money, had not this man Wilson prevented a free school being taught here for the Colored. We had hoped that this annoyance had ceased. Please let us hear from you in regard to the matter.

Respectfully &c
R.J. Skinner
Supt Pub Inst for H. Co.