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Bureau Refug's, Freedmen & Aban'd Lands,
Assistant Commissioner's Office,
Nashville, March 16th 1868.

Respectfully returned to Major Genl Howard, Comr. These colored children are in the orphan asylum at Memphis and are supported by the Government. If they be taken away by Mrs Treat she would probably support them or have them supported without expense to the government. Of course their education & future support cannot be provided for beyond a contingency, as that would depend entirely on Mrs Treats ability and continued willingness to provide for their support and education. It is not probable that their education would amount to much at Hays County Kansas. If the children go Mrs Treat should go with them and might properly be transported at government expense. The greater probability is that the children would find good homes near Memphis if not sent away. It would only be a favor to Mrs Treat I suppose to send them. Therefore I do not feel at liberty to recommend the transportation.
W P. Carlin
Bvt Maj Genl
Asst Comr

[[stamp]] BUREAU OF R.F. & A.L. C.Q.M. MAR 19 1868 [[/stamp]]

E.B. 69