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the second degree.

Capt. Kendrick found it necessary to secure the services of Isaac M. Steele, Esq. Atty &c as counsel for the Bureau at an expense of Fifty Dollars.

On the 19th day of October 1867 a freedman by the name of Alex McCann was on his way to mill from his home (which is about 5 miles west of Masons Depot) when he was halted by a white man by the name of Tom Kelly, who asked him why he had threatened to shoot him.  McCann denied having made the threat when Kelly raising his double barrel shot gun fired both loads at him, wounding McCann very seriously in the heart and shoulder.  McCann rode a short distance and fell off from his mule where he was found by his friends and taken home. 

McCann was a preacher of the M.E. Church North and had been teaching a colored school which was undoubtedly the reason the murderous assault was committed upon him.  Kelly is an ex-rebel soldier and very bitter in his hatred of the colored people.  I immediately ordered Capt. Kendrick to the vicinity to investigate the case.  He had Kelly arrested and bound over in the sum of $1500 to answer the charge of assault with intent to kill.