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Freedman Labor Contract

State of N.Ca
Stanly Cty

This indenture made and entered into on the 22nd day of Dec. 1866 between W. A Barrier of the county of Cabarrus of Cabarrus and state of N. Carolina of the first part and Alexander Billy a Freedman of the Second part Witnesseth that he the said Alexander Billy, wife Ellen, and children John, Laura, Emeline  and Ellen freedman, have agreed to work for the said W.A. Barrier from this date to the 1st day of Jan AD 1867 on his farm in the State of Tenn. and to do all kinds of work common to the farms of the country and all other kinds of labor that it is deemed necessary to be done, to do this work faithfully and to be respectful in their behavior and they shall receive $360.00 Three Hundred and Sixty Dollars on the 1st day of Jan AD 1868 or a part payment as soon as the crops are gathered and sold. And the said Alexander Billy further agrees that time lost by him-self or family shall not be paid for. And the said W.A. Barrier further agrees to furnish the said Alexander Billy and Family with comfortable quarters, sufficient rations and the Amount of money above stated and transportation to his farm free of charge. And the said Alexander Billy and family are to furnish their own clothing and pay their doctor bill. In testimony whereof the above parties set their hands and seal.
W.A. Barrier  (seal)
Alexander Billy his x mark (seal)

M.C. Misenhimer Witness

Transcription Notes:
Can't read whats under "State of N. Ca" help