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State of Texas
Madison County.

This Indenture mate at Jackson Tenn this 9th day of Decmb 1865, between Lt Samuel Evans for and in behalf of Martin Merewether a freed colored orphan, now 9 years of age, of the one part, and H A Meriwether a planter of Madison county Tenn of the other, witnesseth:

That the said Lt Samuel Evans Superintendent R. F. & A. L., does bind out and apprentice to the said H A Merriwether the said orphan Martin Merriwether to be taught to labor and perform such work as is customary on a farm or plantation, and to live with and serve the said H A Meriwether as an apprentice from the date hereof till the said orphan shall arrive at the age of 21 years; During all of which time the said orphan through his lawful guardian the said Lt Samuel Evans doth covenant with the said H A Meriwether to demean himself well and faithfully as an apprentice, obeying fully the commands of the said H A Meriwether or his lawful agent, and in all respects to behave himself as a faithful apprentice; neither neglecting nor leaving his business without the permission of the said H A Meriwether.

And for and in Consideration of the service faithfully performed as aforesaid by the said orphan the said H A Meriwether of the second part, doth covenant and agree to instruct, or cause to be instructed, the said orphan in the act or business of a laborer or farmer, and also to read and write the English language and to cipher [[strikethrough]] as far as the rule of three [[/strikethrough]]; and also to provide and furnish the said orphan with comfortable clothing, wholesome food and drink and all other necessaries in sickness and health; and also, at the expiration of the term of service to allow and give said orphan the sum of one hundred dollars in current money and one new suit of clothes; and the said H A Meriwether agrees that the said orphan shall not be removed out of the state in which he is bound without the consent of his guardian.
It is Further Agreed by the contracting parties that if on complaint to the guardian it shall appear that said orphan or apprentice is ill used or not taught as provided for above, said guardian shall remove and bind said orphan to such other person as he shall deem fit.

And for the Faithful Observance of the aforesaid obligations on the part of Martin Meriwether of the second part, he, the said H A Meriwether and his surety T J Campbell acknowledge themselves, their heirs, executors, etc., held and bound unto the said Lt Samuel Evans for the use of said orphan in the sum of one thousand dollars.