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This contract made and entered in to this 29th day of December 1865 between Joel A Light & Gibson & his wife Leann (freed men) all of Dyer County State of Tennessee

The said Light agrees to furnish the sand tools & horses to cultivate the same and to furnish the said parties & their family their provisions & give them one third of the crop they may cultivate - the said freed men furnis their own clothing & pay their own doctor bills

Leann to do cooking & washing and all necessary house work she is spin & work for herself when not employed in house work the said Gibson is to attend to the stock & to do all necessary work in keeping up the farm this contract to continue one year from this date

Gibson aged about 30 years
Leann about 28 years old

Gibson his X mark Light
Leann her mark Light

J.D. Whitson
J.H. Fowlkes

Transcription Notes: - J.H. Fowlked verified