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Know all men by these presents that I.A. Eanoch of the County of Dyer, state of Tennessee am held and firmly bound to the United States of America in the sum of Five Thousand dollars for the payment of which to bind myself Hire Executors & Administrators firmly by these presents in this contract. That I am to furnish the persons whose names are subjourned (freed laborers) Quarters and Substantial Rations, all necessary medical attendance and supplies in case of sickness and the amount hereinafter mentioned, during the continuation of this Contract - the laborers to be paid in full before the final disposal of the crop which is to be raised by them on my plantation in the county of Dyer State of Tennessee

Robt Wynne 35 years
Becca his Wife 30 years
Nancy Ann his Daughter 14 years
& three other small children
Henry Eanoch 35 years Hannah his wife 30 years
Gear Eanoch 45 years
Mariah his Wife 37 years
Saml their son 16 years

The conditions of of the contract with the above hands Freedmen & their families are such that said Eanoch is to furnish land and teams & farming utensils. Also Joseph W Eanoch is to be paid