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Know all men by these presents that I W. C. Doyle administrator of the Estate of James H Doyle deceased of the County of Dyer, State of Tennessee, am held and firmly bound unto the United States of America, in the sum of five hundred dollars for the payment of which he binds himself, his successors or assigns, and the heirs of said estate, firmly by these presents in this Contract. That he is to furnish the persons whose names are subjoined(freed laborers) quarters. Substantial rations, medical attendance, and supplies, in case of sickness (but anything by him so expended, to be repaid by said freedom) and the wages and share of the Crop. Set down to each during the Continuance of this Contract to be paid in full before or at the final disposition of the Crop, which is to be raised by them, on the plantation, belonging to the estate of the said Jas. H. Doyle, dec'd in the County of Dyer, State of Tennessee.
The Conditions of this Contract are as follows Harry Doyle aged 32 [[strikethrough]] and his son aged about 11 years [[/strikethrough]] are to labor on said plantation under the direction of said W.C. Doyle or his manager, faithfully, honestly, and willingly, until time to plant a Crop next spring. Then Harry  is to be furnished with land to Cultivate; a mule or horse to work, farming foods &c and provisions for the mule or horse: He, with his son, shall plant and Cultivate a Crop, separately for themselves - and gather & house  the Same; and are to have one half of everything they raise - Harry is to be  responsible for anything lost, broken or destroyed by him or his son; and for good treatment to said horse or mule; to Cloth and pay medical bills for himself & son; they are to help cut, tie up, shuck, and thresh the wheat Crop now growing and to help sow wheat next fall, but to have no part of either; shall not use the mule or horse only for farm work, without special permission: and to pay the said Doyle fifty dollars for their board the crop to be liable to said W.C. Doyle for any and all just accounts, advancements, loans &c and the board - and to be sold by said Doyle only.
Bettie Doyle, aged 35 and her daughter Isabel aged 16 years - are to work in the house or on the farm as the said W.C. Doyle or his manager shall direct - to do good and faithful labor, to cloth themselves and pay their own medical bills. And at the end of the year the said W.C. Doyle shall pay them respectively (first deducting anything expended by him for medical attendance & supplies, advancements,  and for anything by either of them lost or distroyed) the following