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This Agreement made on the first day of January 1866 by and between J E Bradshaw of the County of Dyer and Mat Bradshaw a (Freedman)  Witnesseth - The Said J E Bradshaw agrees with the said (Freedman) Mat Bradshaw to give him at the expiration of the present year one third of all the Cotton and [[strikethrough]] tobba [[/strikethrough]] tobacco that may be raised on the place (where he now resides) this coming year and to furnish him and his family - consisting of himself and wife Amanda [[strikethrough]] Bradshaw [[/strikethrough]] and his five children Asa Armistead - Betty George - & Susan, with suitable quarters sufficient and wholesome rations - and a summer and and winter suit of ordinary negro clothing to each.; and on the other hand the said Mat Bradshaw (Freedman) agrees that he and his above named wife and children shall faithfully work for and cheerfully obey the lawful orders of the said J E Bradshaw from this time until the expiration of the present year he the said Mat Bradshaw (Freedman) at the same time agreeing to pay and be liable for one third of the rent of the place on which J E Bradshaw resides - and where the crop is to be made - and to be liable for any Doctors Bills that may be incurred by reason of the sickness of himself or family - and the same to be paid out of his - the