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Articles of agreement between R. M. Wright of the first part & Cork Bunting of the 2nd

1st I, R.M. Wright am to furnish land to the ammount [[amount]] of 20 acres if necessary and one mule able to do the ploughing of said land. I am also to furnish one cabbin [[cabin]] for Cork and his family to live in.

2nd Cork is to furnish himself and family with Provisions & clothing, and pay his own Doctors Bill, and all other expenses incurred by himself or family unless specially ordered or given him myself. the said Cork Bunting is to furnish my Fire wood attend to my stock and Pay for or furnish one mule with feed during the year of 1866 and return the said mule in good order when called for or pay for the same at its present valuation.

For and in consideration of the above agreement, I am to give the said Cork B. one half of all he makes during the year and if he fails to do his duty in cultivating the land above mentioned I claim the right to hire hand at his expense to do the same.