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Articles of contract and Agreement for the year 1866 
Between J. J. Polk of the first part and Bundy Dick Harriett Maranda and Mary Polk and Andy Bowers of the second part.

The said J. J. Polk agrees to furnish said parties of the second part ninty acres of land on his farm to cultivate in cotton & corn. Also to furnish them with three head of plow stock three pare of [[Guar?]] and all necessary tools to make a crop with waggons and oxen for the use of said farm Houses & fuel for the use of said hands and give them one half of the crop. Also to furnish them with feed and provisions at the customary prices of the neighborhood and retain a Lien on said crop until all expenses are paid said hands to work under the supervision and directions of the said J. J. Polk or his Agent. said partyes of the second part agree on their part to keep said farm in good repair do all necessary holling [hauling] milling cutting & holling of wood rails &c holling to & from the Rail Rode and to take care and feed all the stock on said farm find them [[? ?]] to be no expence to the said Polk for clothing Medical Bills medicine or any thing Els[e] the said Polk to see that the[y] have Medical aid when necessary all Adu[l]ts that remain on said farm and does not make regular hand in the crop shal pay a tax of two dollars per month for the use of Houses & fire wood said hands are to be orderly and respectful to the said Polk his family or agent no swearing or indecorous language to be used in his presance or in the presance of his family or agent all differaces that may arise amongst said hands are to be first referd to the said Polk for adjustment and if not amicably adjusted then to some Justice of the peace or the county agent of the Beauro of Freedman all tools carelesly broken or left to be paid for at their value any unnessary abuse of work stock or other stock on said farm are to be paid in proportion to the damage done Each squad of hands to cultivate and gather their crop seperate all other work done on said farm to be done by the united squads any hand quitting work or refusing to do his or her duty is to be discharged and forfit what work they may have done to the said Polk  (??) another hand if nesessary no recieving visitors during work hours visitors will not be permitted to visit