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State of Tennessee. Hardeman (?) county. January 1st 1866.
[Indent] Articles of agreement entered into 
this day between Perry L Wilkes of the first part, and  Presiller Wilkes child of the other part. (Presiller is twenty six years old and her child nine months old.)
[Indent] I, Perry L WIlkes, promise to give said Presiller and child their board, and Presiller her clothing to the amount they received from me the past year and also the two fifths of one third of the net proceed of the lint cotton that is raised or produced the present year on any sixteen acre field, that lies along the west bank of Richland creek.
I likewise promise her, that if she hires hands to help her pick out her cotton, that I will feed her hands free of charge, so long as the hands do good work at the same.
[Indent] I, Presiller of the second part, do agree to be a servant on hertofore; - to be obedient to all his commands or that of his agents, for the present year (1860 (?)) I agree to pay my own doctor bill and that of my child, also clothe my child. I further agree to pay all the wages due hirelings for assisting to house my crop. I also agree, should the crop not be housed by the twenti-fifth [[twenty-fifth]] of next december, to remain, till & house said crop, or forfeit my part of the same.
[Indent] And I further agree, to be responsible to said P. L. Wilkes, or assigns, for all time that I loose [[lose]] the present year by sickness or otherwise, unless lost while on business for the white family.
[Indent] Given under our hands & seals. Perry L. Wilkes
[Indent] Presiller her mark Wilkes