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I, George McGuire and family. hereby agree to live with James McGuire under the following articles of agreement 
That the said James McGuire agrees to furnish the said George as much land as he can cultivate and a mule or horse as may be necessary to cultivate the said land, for the year 1866,- and all necessary plows and gear and tools actually necessary to cultivate a crop and furnish corn and fodder. The said McGuire to feed and clothe the said George & his family, giving him two summer suits and one winter the same to the said George's wife and clothe their four Children
The said George agrees to do any and all kind of work necessary about the plantation during the mentioned year - to discharge his duty faithfully- in all things subject himself to said McGuires orders- and at the end of the said year, or when the crop is gathered - and the cotton gined he, the said George is to  have one third (1/3) of the cotton he makes, and to pay him and his family Drs Bill 
The wife of the said George, Lucinda agrees to cook wash and milk and do all necessary work about the house or kitchen - To discharge her duty faithfully as a field hand and as a house hand when not suitable to be on the feel - and to be under the control and management of Mrs McGuire - to be obedient and agreeable - The said George is to take good care of all stock of all kinds all tools and everything that is trusted to his care, - also to conduct themselves properly and orderly at all times