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This Indenture made and entered into this day of 186...  between Paul T Jones of the county of Hardeman state of Tennessee of the one part & the freed persons whose names are hereto annexed of the second part Witnesseth that where as the said Paul T Jones agrees to pay to the parties of the 2nd part the sums of money placed opposite each of their names as wages for 1866. The parties of the 2nd part agree to perform such labor as may be required of them to work faithfully & dilligently, carefully considering the interest of their employer, obedient and attentive, allowing no assemblages of freed persons about their quarters or any one not embraced in this contract to stay about them no live stock to be raised without permission at all times to be polite & cheerfull & honest. The employer to furnish at market price all provisions &c necessary to be paid for out of their wages the employee paying each their own expenses.
Paul T. Jones

[[2 columend table]]
| Names. | [[strikethrough]] mon [[/strikethrough]] Monthly pay. |
| --- | --- |
| Minor Jarratt | $ 30 00 per month |
| Jerry Jarratt | $ 30 00 per month |
Wm Coleman
JGW Fenwick

Approved Febr 15th 1866
John D. Ussery Agt
By Jas G. W. Fenwick Ast