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State of Tennessee 
Hardeman County

Articles of agreement entered into between R.S. Scott on the 1st part and Thos Bills (Cold) on the 2nd part for himself & family namely his wife Jennie & 6 Children to wit Mary Jenny Charlotte Pricilla Elmira and Lucy the said Tom Bills bind himself to work well & faithfuly and he furthermore binds himself to make his children work faithfully on the farm 
& elsewhere and obey all reasonable orders issued by the said R.S. Scott and all time lost unnecessarily &c by said Tom Bills or his wife Jennie or his children above mentioned the said Tom Bills shall be accountable for the delinquencies at a reasonable Rate to the said R.S. Scott for the year 1866. 
The said R.S. Scott binds himself to furnish the said Tom Bills with good quarters fuel & meal for their bread and full rations for his wife & 3 children to wit, Lucy Emaline & Jo and furnish the said Tom Bills twenty two acres of land and team and implements to cultivate said land with and the said Tom Bills receives the proceeds of the said 22 acres of land for his & his wife & his childrens Services rendered to the said R.S. Scott for the year 1866. 
In testimony thereof we have here unto set our hands and seals, this 16th day Febr 1866.

J.S. McAnulty
G.W. Hazlegrove

R.S. Scott
Thomas Bills 
Approved Febr 17th 1866
John D. Ussery Agt R.F. & A.L.
By Jas G.W. Fenwick Ast