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This agreement entered into this day by TJ Richardson of the 1st part and Peggy Richardson of the second part
The said Thomas Richardson agrees to pay the said Peggy at the rate of one Hundred dollars per Annum for her services for the [[strikethrough]] year [[/strikethrough]] balance of the year 1866 Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-Six. She agreeing to do good and faithful service in the field or in the house and obey all orders of the said Thomas Richardson or of the others about the premises. The said Thomas Richardson further agrees to furnish good and wholesome food for the said Peggy and her two - children and to give them all medical attention necessary and should the said Peggy get sick she agrees to loose her time at the above rate. Peggy further agrees not to leave the place without the consent of the said Thomas Richardson. He further agrees to pay her own doctors Bill & that of her children this 19th day of March 1866.
J.M. Richardson
J.F. Richardson

Thos J. Richardson
Peggy Richardson

Approved Mch 20th 1866
John D Ussery Agt R F & A L
By J.G.W. Fenwick Ast