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Know all men by these presents that we Mary C Wilson of the County of Hardeman and state of Tennessee of the one part and Greene Wilson for himself his  wife and four children Caty Hiliard for herself son John daughter Adaline son William and child Ellen colored Freedmen of the other part Witnesseth

That for and in consideration of the above our services on the plantation of the above named Mary C Wilson for the year 1866 We the above named Freedmen agree to work as in the past to cultivate about 35 acres in corn and as much cotton as we can To make needful improvements repairs on the plantation To save the Harvest attend stock prepare wood wash and do all kinds of work needful to carry on the business of a house and plantation under the general supervision of John A Wilson to be respectful and obedient to the said Mary C Wilson To acknowledge Green as manager for which the said Mary C Wilson agrees to furnish tools & teams and furnish the provisions for the support of the laborers and their families and the stock on the farm and give the laborers one half the cotton raised on the place also one third of the wheat The Freedmen furnish their own clothing