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His Majesty's Ship Comus at Sea 1815

[[7 column table]]
| H | K | F | Courses. | Winds | No Sig | Remarks &c Friday 24th March. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | " | 4 | E. NE. |   |   | AM/. Mod'te & fine |
| 2 | " | 6 |   | Vble. |   |   |
| 3 | " | 4 | Current. |   |   |   |
| 4 |   |   |   |   |   | 4 Mod'te & fine Weather. |
| 5 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
| 6 |   |   |   |   |   | 7 Weighed & made sail  Schooner in |
| 7 |   |   |   |   |   | tow. |
| 8 | 4 | " | North. |   |   |  8 Mod'te hazy W'r.  running up Calabar |
| 9 | " | } | Running up |   |   |  River. Made & Short'd sail occasionally |
| 10 | " | } |   |   |   |   |
| 11 | " | } | Calabar River in |   |   | Noon light breezes & fine |
| 12 | " | } | 3 fathm's hard bottom. |   |   |   |

| 5 Columned Table | 
| Course | Distance | Lat in | Long. in | Bearings & distance at Noon |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|   |    | 4°31N. | 9° 08E | East Head East 1 1/2 Miles |  

[[7 column table]]
|   |   |   |   |   |   | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | 4 | 6 | Running up | N.W.b.W. |   | PM/. Light breeses & fine |
| 2 | 6 | Old Calabar |   |   |   | Made & Short'd sail occasionally. |  
| 3 | 5 | 6 | River. |   |   | 1 East Head East which is the other line |
| 4 | 2 | 6 | River. | Vble. |   | of the muddy bank. 3:20  Shortened sail |
| 5 |   |   |   |   |   | & came too with the Best Bower furled |
| 6 |   |   |   |   |   | Sails & Secured 1/2 Cables NE part of |
| 7 |   |   |   |   |   | Parrot Island. N 1/2 W.  SW part | 
| 8 |   |   |   |   |   | W b N 1/2 N. 1/2 Miles. out all Boats and |
| 9 |   |   |   |   |   | armed them.  9:30 sent the boats away |
| 10 |   |   |   |   |   | armed under Command of Lieutenant | 
|   |   |   |   |   |   | Graham up to Old Calabar. |
| 11 |   |   |   |   |   | Fresh Squalls from SE. with heavy |
|   |   |   |   |   |   | Rain.  Thunder & Lightening |
| 12 |   |   |   | S.E. |   | Mid't  Fresh Squalls from SE with heavy rain. Thunder & Lightening. Weather. |  

His Majesty's Ship Comus up Old Calabar River 1815
[[4 columned table]]
| Weekdays | Mth Days | Winds | Remarks & Occurrences March |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Saturday. | 25th. | Vble. | AM/. Light airs with thunder & lightning |
|   |   |   | 4:45 Saw 2 rockets burst over the Land in |
|   |   |   | the direction of Old Calabar  Supposed  |
|   |   |   | to be from our Boats as a Sig'l for being |
|   |   |   | in possession of some vessels. Ans'd Boats |
|   |   |   | with a Rocket & a gun. At 7 Ebb Tide |
|   |   |   | Made down  at 11 The Gig which had been |
|   |   |   | inspected with intelligence from the Boats | 
|   |   |   | not yet in sight.  11:20 obs'd a great number |
|   |   |   | of large Canoes coming down the river. Beat |
|   |   |   | to Quarters, on their closing the ship found |
|   |   | SW. | it to be The Sovereign of Old Calabar Duke |
|   |   |   | Ephrim, and all the neighboring Chiefs |
|   |   |   | with their War Equipage. accompanied |
|   |   |   | by Shipmasters of the Liverpool & Johns |
|   |   |   | English Traders, come down to visit the |
|   |   |   | Ship, this having the first man of War ever |
|   |   |   | seen in the River.  Noon Light airs with thunder & lightening. |
|   |   |   | PM/ Light Breezes & hazy.  the above |
|   |   |   | mentioned Masters report our Boats are |
|   |   |   | in possession of 5 Slave Vessels. & brought a |
|   |   |   | letter from Lieut't Graham and unshotted |
|   |   |   | all the guns and fired them off.  1:30 Got |
|   |   |   | underweigh & ran up the River. Passed one of |
|   |   |   | the detained Vessels. A Schooner. 3:30 anch'd by the tall trees above 7. |
|   |   |   | Fathoms Point near the other 4 detained vessels. Lieut't Graham came |
|   |   |   | on board & reported that the Schooner we passed alleged he was a Spaneard [[Spaniard]] |
|   |   |   | when hailed. Made very great resistance in which one of her crew was killed |
|   |   |   | & 8 wounded. 4 of our men were wounded. 1 severely. 3 Slightly. Ship is fitted |
|   |   |   | for slaving the rest have Slaves on board. |

His Majesty's Ship Comus in Calabar River 1815
[[4 column table]]
| Weekdays | Mth Days | Winds | Remarks & Occurrences March |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Sunday. | 26th. | Vble. | AM/. Light airs & fine. fell overboard from |
|   |   |   | one of the detained vessels & was drowned and was drowned  Wm. |
|   |   |   | Blackwell (married).  PM/. Inclining to Calm |
|   |   |   | Sunset Inclining to Calm Weather Fell overboard from a |
|   |   |   | detained vessel & was drowned.  Matcomb |
|   |   |   | McCarther (Seaman) |
| Monday. | 27th. | Vble. | AM/. Light breezes & fine, 4:10 weighed & |
|   |   |   | made sail to run up to Calabar, |
|   |   |   | 8 Light breezes & fine W'r dropping up with the tide | 
|   |   |   | PM/. Light breezes & fine W'r  2:20 anch'd with the Best Bower | 
|   |   |   | in 7 fathoms. Mid't light airs |
| Tuesday. | 28th. | Vble. | AM/. Light airs. 5:40 Weighted. Beats towing  |
|   |   |   | 8:30 anch'd with the Best Bower in 4 fms. |
| Wednesday. | 29th. | E. N.E. | AM/ Light airs. Sent boats for Water. Got |
|   |   |   | the Dos Amigos alongside to clear her. |
|   |   |   | PM., Calm Sultry W'r. rec'd Water, rec'd 1 bullocks |
|   |   |   | & some yams.  Sunset up Boats. rec'd |
|   |   |   | on board 13 1/2 tons of water. |
| Thursday. | 30th. | Calm | AM/. Calm & fine  Employed Watering |
|   |   |   | Supplied detained Vessels with provisions |
|   |   |   | PM/. Calm & fine W'r.  Employed as before. |
|   |   |   | Sunset up Boats. |
| Friday. | 31st. | Calm | AM/. Calm  Killed 1 Bullock weighing |
|   |   |   | 176 pounds. Supplied the detained vessels |
|   |   |   | with water & sent them down the River |
|   |   |   | 11:20 roughed & dropped down with the |
|   |   |   | tide.  rec'd 1300 lbs of rice.  PM/. Light |
|   |   |   | airs,  dropping down with the tide. |
|   |   |   | at 3 anch'd in 4 fathoms in mid channel |
|   |   |   | between Tall Trees & Seven Fath'ms Point |
|   |   |   | Sunset up Boats. |
| Saturday | 1st | April | AM/. Calm & fine. 11 toughed  & dropped |
|   |   |   | down with the Tide.  PM/. Same W'r |
|   |   |   | 4:10 anch'd in 3 1/3 fathoms in the Entrance |
|   |   |   | of St. James's Island Creek. |
|   |   |   | Sunset up Boats.
| Sunday. | 2nd | Calm | AM/ Calm & fine. 3:40 Weighed sent boats | 
|   |   |   | ahead to tow. 5:30 anch'd in 4 fathoms  |
|   |   |   | PM/. Light airs. Passed up the River the |
|   |   |   |   | James English Trader. Sunset up Boats. |
| Monday. | 3rd | South | AM/. Light breezes & fine. 3:30 Weighed | 
|   |   |   |  4:30 anch'd in 4 fathoms. Supplied |
|   |   |   | the Detained vessels with Provisions |
|   |   |   | PM/. Light breezes & fine W'r. rec'd Wood.  Sunset sent 2 boats |
|   |   |   | to a stranger standing up Calabar. found |
|   |   |   | stranger to be the Portuguese Brig Santa Anna |
|   |   |   | fitted for Slaves. detained her. |
| Tuesday. | 4th | Vble. | AM/ Light breezes & fine supply'd 
|   |   |   | the detained vessels in the Provisions |
|   |   |   | sent men from detained Vessels on Board | | 
|   |   |   | the Dos Amigos. PM/. Light breezes & fine W'r  Employed as |
|   |   |   | before  Sunset up Boats |

Transcription Notes:
No Sig.= Number of Signals - to boats they come upon or convoy They are going up the Old Calabar River, in Africa. What part is now Nigeria.