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A campaign is under way to organize this section of the State into County units of the NCAI. The following procedure is suggested:

1. Advertise or carry as a news item that there will be a general meeting of the Indians of the county at a designated place for Indian claims, G.I. bill of Rights, as effects of the Indian soldier, etc. Arrange to have the meeting one or more Indians to tell about the aims and purposes of the NCAI and the necessity of organizing and affiliating with a strong National Organization.

For this purpose you may use the statement made before the sub-committee on Indian affairs in which was set forth the constitution and by-laws of the NCAI; its aims and purposes; and its officers and program for the ensuing year.

2. When the purpose of the meeting has been explained proceed to adopt a constitution. Then elect the officers and executive committee provided for therein. When the officers are elected, have then take charge. Decide upon a membership fee to be charged.

The president then invites all Indians present to become members of the newly organized unit and the secretary takes the names, address and tribe of those registering as members and collects the membership fee and issues a receipt therefor. (Membership fee is whatever you may decide upon). For your information I enclose a copy of the constitution adopted by other units which might well be adopted by your county [[?]] except for the name.

3. The president or Executive Committee, any time thereafter, usually after a campaign for local members, executes an application on a Tribe or Group Form which I am enclosing for your use for membership. Indicate therein the amount of money that the Unit wishes to voluntarily contribute as a membership fee to the N.C.A.I.

The N.C.A.I. will also accept applications for members-at-large (those not identified with any group or association of Indians but who desire to come in as individuals). In such instances the individual fills out an Individual Application form which I enclose for your information.

Membership cards are issued to Individual members-at-large. Certificates of membership or Charters are issued to County Units, Groups, Associations, or Tribes.