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Reso. No. 1
(American Indian of Montana)

WHEREAS: The seven Indian tribes of Montana, comprising some 18000 Indians have organized under the name of "American Indians of Montana", having as their basic purpose and policy the protection and promulgation of the vessed rights given them under their Treaties and

WHEREAS: The social and economic program of the Montana tribesis being improved through the coordinated efforts of all Montana Indians.

WHEREAS: A project of the United States Government through the Army Engineers, commonly known as the Garrison Dam in North Dakota, has received the attention of the world and particularly the Indian tribes and

WHEREAS: It is a well recognized fact that the Garrison Dam purported to be neces-sary for the flood control, navigation and hydro-electric development, is distinctly detrimental to the lives and welfare of the three affiliated Indian tribe of Fort Berthold reservation, North Dakota and

WHEREAS: The Indian Business Council of the Fort Berthold reservation have and still are offering counter proposals of more comparable areas, values and feasibility and

WHEREAS: The actions of the Fort Berthold Indians reflect a most democratic method and procedure of negotiating the Garrison Dam proposal notwithstanding the obvious fact that the actions of the Army Engineers have not been democratic in proce dure and

WHEREAS: The American Indians of Montana cannot believe that the Government of the United States would force ssch a project asthe Garrison Dam as would foreign nations with whom a successfully completed war has just been fought and

WHEREAS: The business Council of the three affiliated tribes of Fort Berthold reservation, North Dakota, have submitted various appeals and resolutions opposing and offering counter proposals on the proposed Garrison Dam to the United States Army Engineers, Secretary of Interior and the Congress of the United States and

WHEREAS: The American Indians of Montana in third annual convention at Browning, Montana, this date having carefully considered the Garrison Dam project

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; That the American Indians of Montana hereby express their unreserved endorsement of the attached resolution of the Business Council of the three affiliated tribes of Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota, and further hereby express our unanimous and unalterable opposition to the proposed Garrison Dam or to any similar project comtemplated on Indian Reservations without first negotiating and consulting with the Indians affected.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That copies of this resolution be direct to the President of the United States, the Secretary of Interior, the United States Army Engineers, The Congressional delegates from Montana and North Dakota and the Chairman of the Senate and house of Indian Affairs.committee.

John Billedeaux Secretary   Stephen DeMers President

Dated: October 19th, 1946.