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Statements by Lorena M.Burgess
N.C.A.I. Executive Council Member.

No.1. I firmly believe that if we can bring about an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, amending Section 8, Clause 3, by striking out five words, "and with the Indian tribes". It is my opinion that this alone is the complete excuse for the past,present and future tyrannical existance of the Indian Bureau.
I will admit that some kind of a set up is still necessary for some Indian Reservations or Indian Tribes, but they will follow leaders and advance quickly when they have successful examples to follow,by this I mean that such an amendment to the U.S.Constitution would grant justified privileges and complete citizenship to  those who are reday for it and gradually enforce others to fall in line. Indians are the proudest people on earth, successful examples before certain factions will soon over rule the bureaucratic rulings they are forced to exist under.

No.2. Indians of one half or more degree of Indian blood should draw State pensions in the form of a direct grant and should not have a lien vs their property. It is not their fault that have been held under strict supervision.

No.3. The American Indians of Montana, which comprises of the seven Indian Reservations of the state, have gone on record to help the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation,North Dakota in their fight against the injustice of the Garrison Dam. If this project is carried out it will directly effect,349 families comprising of 1544 persons,whose lands will be flooded with water, forceing them to vacate & start over...…. We should all keep them

No.4 I believe that all Indians should be educated to bepolitical minded and act accordingly. This organization and all Indian organizations should work in every manner to see that all Indians have full citizen voting rights, and be encouraged to vote. That persons of influence see that Indian registrars are appointed in Indian voting precincts, who will make it a point to see that every eligible voter is registered to vote.

No.5. This year ahead of election the American Indians of Mont. wrote letters in the form of a questionnaire to persons who were candidates for U.S. Senators and Representatives,we have those answers on file...Signed by the winners.... This way we knew who we were to go on record to support on electionday,also who to watch.

No.6. I am strongly in favor of continueing the Alaskian investigation and and helping the Navahos.