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[[two columns]]
| Buck Hill Falls | 37.06 |
| Cash - Stenographic Hire Hecht | 15.50 |
| Mimeography | 2.25 |
| girls for registering and lunches | [[strikethrough]] 18.00 [[/strikethrough]] 12.00 |
| Taxi to school for girls 2 days | 2.00 |
| stationery & stencils | 7.10 |
| Mrs. Specker | 11.25 |
| Cash to Johnson | 20.00 |
| Cabs, Santa Fe to Indian School | 3.50/ 3.00 |
| Dec. [[strikethrough]] Telephone | 46.35 [[/strikethrough]] |
| Notary fees | 4.00 |
| type[[strikethrough]] ing [[/strikethrough]] writer ribbons | 3.00 |
| Postage stamps, etc | 3.77 |
| Cash to Victory | 25.00 |
| telephone - Miami Okla to Johnson 12-16-47 | .75 |