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Travel to Convention
[[two columns]]

| R.R. fare & Pullman from Wash. D.C. Santa Fe | 157.21 |
| Pullman from Alba. to Kansas City | 10.64 |
| Pullman - K.C. to Chicago | 2.70 |
| Pullman Chicago to Wash. | 9.83 |
| 12-6-47 to 12-8-47 Hotel Alboquerque [[Albuquerque]] | 7.64 |
| 12-5-47 ticket to Banquet. Jim Curry, Frances Sepinsky, Mrs. Bell, and Wm. L. Paul the Alaska Delegate | 8.00 |
| Hotel Chicago 12-17-47 | 4.50 |
| 12-12-47 - telephone to Marion Gridly Chicago | 2.15 |
| Office supplies | 17.90 |
| 11-30-47 taxi (.75 12-19-48.75) | 1.50 |