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Expenses Ruth E. Bronson to NCAI Convention Dec. 19 from Nov. 30.
Left Washington D.C. 11-30-1947: Returned December 1947

[[two columns]]
| R. R. Fare, round trip from Washington D.C. to Albuquerque New Mexico | 157.20 |
| Pullman from Washington D.C. to Albuquerque N.Mex and return, including tips | 26.17 |
| Hotel, Albuquerque 12-6-48 to 12-8-48 | 7.69 |
| Hotel Chicago 12-17-48 | 5.50 |
| Stenographic Hire (receipts Attached | 36.75 |
| Office Supplies, notary fees, postage, & equipment for Washington Office, (itemized account attached) | 35.77 |
| Telephones, telegrams, taxi, en route and in Santa Fe | 12.75 |
| Guest tickets to Banquet, December 4, 1947. | 8.00 |
| Cash to Judge Johnson | 20.00 |
| Cash to C.C. Victory | 25.00 |
| Lunches, 3 days Sante for the 4 girls who regisltered [[registered]] delegates @ 1.00 each | 12.00 |
| Meals from 11-30-47 to 12-19-48 (minus 6 days when on personal business) 13 days @ $5.00 per day | 65.00 |
| Total | 411.33
| Received on account | 350.00 |
| Amount due | 61.[[strikethrough]] 00 [[/strikethrough]] 33 |
|   | 33 |