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TREASURER'S REPORT for the period January 1, 1941 to November 28, 1947


[[two columns]]
| Balanced Received from George LaMotte, Retiring Treasurer (Receipt #1135 | $65.11 |

| INCOME: |   |
| Membership dues - Year 1946 | $469.56 |
| Donations and Subscriptions - Year 1946 (Covered by Official Receipts #1001 to 1207, inclusive) | 981.40 |
| Membership dues - Year 1947 | 1360.61 |
| Donations and Subscriptions - Year 1947 (Covered by Official Receipts #1208 to 1406, inclusive) | 1539.00 |
|   | 4350.57 |
| Total Income | $4415.68 |

| Stationery, Printing, Filing Cabinets, Office Equipment, Stenographic Hire - Year 1946 | $755.86 |
| Year 1947 | 1170.17 |
|(Includes service for both Secretary and President |   |
| Telephone and Telegraph - Year 1946 | $78.89 
| Year 1947 | 128.81 |
| Travel - Year 1946 | 446.81 |
| Year 1947 | 222.18 |
| Postage and Express -  Year 1946 |20.00|
| Year 1947 | 238.16 |
| Legal Service - Briefs, etc. - Year 1946 | 31.43 |
| Year 1947 | 206.85 |
|   | $3294.76 |
| Balance, November 28, 1947 | $1138.44 |

The President made three trips to Washington, two in behalf of the Indian Claims Bill and to set up our Washington Office, and one trip in behalf of the Alaskan Indians in opposition to the Tongrass Timber Bill.

A grant of $2300.00 (not included in the above statement) was made to the NCAI by the Robert Marshall Civil Liberties Trust for the special purpose of investigating conditions in Alaska with a view to protecting their rights. The Treasurer issued a receipt to the Grantor for the $2300 but did not deposit same in the Bank, but endorsed the draft to Ruth M. Bronson, Secretary, who was selected by the President of the NCAI and the Grantor to make the investigation. She accounted directly to the Grantor, Robert Marshall Civil Liberties Trust, for the funds. The Secretary made two trips, both of which proved most valuable in giving us first hand information regarding the problems of our fellow tribesmen of the North.

The above statement of expenditures covers the cost of publishing the News Letter and the Bulletins. We published three issues of the News Letter and three issues of the Washington Bulletin. We also distributed 3,000 pamphlets setting forth the aims and purposes of N.C.A.I. More than 3,000 letters were written in behalf of the Claims Commission bill and many telegrams and telephone calls were made. Hundreds of letters and telegrams were sent in opposition to other legislation detrimental to the Indians. By no means has the NCAI borne all the expense necessary to carry on the work during the past year. James E. Curry, Ben Dwight, your Secretary and many others have contributed much in time and money, and but for which we could not have made the progress we have.

The Secretary and the Treasurer have followed the rules and regulations adopted by the Executive Council at Chicago in January, 1946, in handling accounts. All funds are receipted for on the Official Receipt Form prescribed, and a copy is sent to the Secretary. The amount received is deposited in the Bank and deposit slips issued in triplicate. The Treasurer retains one and the other is sent to the Secretary, so that the treasurer's records and the Secretary's records should agree at all times. All bills are first authorized and approved by the President before being paid and are paid by check. A detailed account of the foregoing expenditures is available for inspection and auditing purposes.

Due to ill health of our Treasurer and his inability to serve, the President of the NCAI has acted as Treasurer but it has been an undue burden and should not continue.

I certify that this is a true and correct report as reflected by the books and records of the NCAI Treasurer's office.

President, NCAI, and Acting Treasurer
Approved December 1947