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are present. 

Now we have seen very briefly the Agency organization providing for Indian participation and how it is operating. The foundation has been laid; the curtain has been drawn; we are meeting together in one room -- the Indian people and the Agency people. We are confident that a real start has been made and are looking to the future for a more successful and complete joint participation. 

As I stated previously, you are having a rendevouz with destiny. Your organization is the voice of the Indian people speaking nationally. We have just discussed an organization of Indian people speaking locally. The Convention here in Santa Fe, as we all realize, is of utmost importance to the Indians. You have an opportunity of working jointly on your problems for your people and presenting your resolutions to the Congress of the United States for the good of your people. This is history in the making -- deciding issues of tremendous magnitude. And it is with an organization such as this -- truly representative -- that will carry out the very fundamentals of our democracy, and will always provide that this Government of the people, by the people, and for the people will never perish. This is our challenge -- yours as well as mine; and we as living Americans shall meet this challenge.