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(Subject to change at the discretion of the Convention)
Convention Theme-- One for All, All for One... United To Endure.
THURSDAY a.m. December 4 to 6, 1947
Registration of Delegates 9.00 a.m. LaFonda Hotel

THURSDAY, 1.30 p.m.

Convention Convenes-- Auditorium of Art Museum (St. Francis Auditorium)
Santa Fe Indian School Choir
Address of Welcome-- Abel Paisano, Chairman, All Pueblo Council
Response: Edward L. Rogers, Vice-President, N.C.A.I. County Attorney, Walk Co.
Introduction of Delegates
Organization of Convention
Appointment of Committees
Adjourn 4.30 p.m.

THURSDAY 7.00 p.m.

Keynote Speech. Judge K. B. Johnson, President N.C.A.I.
District Judge, 12 Judicial District, Claremore, Oklahoma.
Report of Secretary
Report of Treasurer
Report of General Counsel, James H. Curry, Washington, D.C.
Greetings from Alaska Delegates
Report of Credentials Committee
Plans for the Future

FRIDAY, 9.30 a.m. Court House -- No Smoking
Short memorial for Mark L. Burns, past president NCAI
Roy R. Gourd, one of the founders of NCAI
Discussion on the Navajo situation, San Akoah, Chairman, Navajo Tribal Council
Navajo Educational Needs, Elma Smith, Teacher, Gonado Indian Mission
Now non-Indian Organizations can help, Ruth Kirk, National Chairman
Indian Welfare, General Federation of [[?]] Clubs.
11.00 a.m. Round table discussion by Official Delegates on plans for the future
Other Indian questions.

FRIDAY, 1.30 p.m. Court House--No Smoking
Seminar on Indian legislation

FRIDAY, December 5, 1947, 7.30 p.m. Santa Fe Indian School, Cerrillos Road.
Banquet Students' Dining Room
Santa Fe Indian School choir (after banquet)
Indian Dances by Albuouerauo Indian Club
Speaker to be announced

SATURDAY, 9.00 a.m.
Reports of Committee on Resolutions and platform
Address--Honorable, Antonio Fernandez, Congressman, New Mexico

SATURDAY, 1.30 p.m.
Reports of Committees