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and baggage. If we had accomplished nothing else all year, this would have made our organized existence worthwhile.
Let me now turn your thoughts to the work that lies ahead of us. You have the official agenda in your hands. We have much to accomplish. We have tried to devise a program that would bring everyone into active participation in the discussions and the planning for the future. I consider this of the utmost importance, since this is your organization. It can only be what you make it. If the things which you or your delegation especially want to take up for consideration is not listed, let us know what that is and we will see that provision is made for it.
I spoke a while ago of that time long ago when the Pueblo Indians rose up to one man and drove the overbearing Spaniards out of New Mexico. I might go on and mention a second time when the Pueblo Indians bonded themselves together and fought their way to victory. This happened within the memory of all of us here, so I need not go into detail. I am referring of course to the successful fight against the Bursum Bill and the effort to take lands away from you. It was much the same situation as that which the Pyramid Lake Indians have been confronted. Out of your struggle the All Pueblo Council was formed which, I may say in passing, was in part the inspiration which led us to form this National Congress of American Indians.
Then the Pueblo Indians did in 1680 and again in the 1920's the Indians of the United States can do. They must do it. I am not talking of an armed uprising. We must meet here in peace. I am talking about unity, of bending together, of staying together, of fighting out our issues together. Let everything else be forgotten of what I have said, if you will. But let that idea and that plea remain in your minds. If we join forces, as the Pueblo Indians of long ago and again as of yesterday knew how, we can accomplish whatever needs to be accomplished on our individual or our group behalf. Unless we join forces, we