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Transcription: [00:16:04]

{SPEAKER name="Alonso"}
Abusos de autoridad,llegamos a ganar casos de esos.

{SPEAKER name="Mike"}
Alonso's just saying that it's-- it's really-- Is there a question? Okay.

{SPEAKER name="Mike"}
I'll just try and quickly summarize what he just said. He's saying that it was a really, really, it was a sign of government support and approval that, you know,

{SPEAKER name="Mike"}
they were getting getting support and getting their program started. And he's saying that it's a real shame that now that they've gotten up and going, and organized, and beginning to reach out in the community,

{SPEAKER name="Mike"}
that now that support is being withdrawn. I think that's, that's a pattern that, you know, is not only something that's necessarily common in Mexico, but oftentimes, you know,

{SPEAKER name="Mike"}
you get some political support for something and you get up and going and, and then the support isn't there. And, you know, the problems that motivated it, the violence in the community,

{SPEAKER name="Mike"}
the fighting among youth, I mean, that's not gonna go away. You can put some support behind a program for a year or two, and, you know, it's got a, it's got to continue. You had a question?

{SPEAKER name="Audience Member 1"}
[[inaudible from the audience]]

{SPEAKER name="Audience Member 1"}
OK. I was just wondering, I've been extensively traveling to Mexico and to the southwest. And I was wondering if anyone had tried to commercialize the art that the gangs are doing?

{SPEAKER name="Audience Member 1"}
It's beautiful. I don't know why it's not being commercialized, and the money being given to the gang, and in return, they could do something else with their lives, as far as getting an education.

{SPEAKER name="Audience Member 1"}
The other part of my question is, I've also noticed for the slow 'n low drivers of those vehicles down in the southwest, a lot of the artwork that I see on the walls, shows up on the cars.

{SPEAKER name="Audience Member 1"}
And I'd like to know if there's some kind of connection. I kind of showed up late for your speech. I'm sorry.

{SPEAKER name="Mike"}
No, that's okay. We we're trying not to give speeches here.

{SPEAKER name="Mike"}
And so on, dos preguntas.. ¿primero es si han hecho algún esfuerzo de, digamos, comercializar el arte o sea, transformarlo en un fondo de ingresos parra poder seguir trabajando en grupo?

{SPEAKER name="Alonso"} Si este, trabajamos por dos años, mas o menos, entonces tuvo el movimiento ese de gobernación.

{SPEAKER name="Alonso"}
Se quedo el programa sin recurso, y de todos.. algunos.. todos los barrios unidos,

{SPEAKER name="Alonso"}
esforzándonos con el apoyo para las pinturas y todo eso por parte de el dueño de la barda, con el permiso de el y todo que nos brindaba las pinturas.

{SPEAKER name="Alonso"}
Ya plasmamos nuestras expresiones que no las puede decir uno abiertamente, expresado por las pinturas.

{SPEAKER name="Romy"}
The trouble with his art is that this made it on the walls. At first they have to have permission from the owner of the wall. So they can wait, they can paint it,

{SPEAKER name="Romy"}
so they can sell independent painting, but either way, the owner of the wall, when they are gonna be painting the murals, they assist them with some kind of help,

{SPEAKER name="Romy"}
even paint or some kind of money so they can work with. But the trouble as the government, they cut any help, and these people is doing just amazing job

{SPEAKER name="Romy"}
because he say that he has more than 63 gangs together, as they join and they talk about the troubles in the community on how they can be helpful with the community.

{SPEAKER name="Romy"}
Now they're changing the way you're thinking of the gangs and the border. They're trying to be creative, but they need help.

Transcription Notes:
Audio transcription can be challenging at first! Please click the blue "Instructions" button to review our guidelines and watch the tutorials before getting started. All Spanish language content should be transcribed in Spanish, so please only mark for review if you have those skills. Click the "Feedback" button on the left side of the page to reach out with any questions. Thanks! - Emily, TC staff. SPeaker 1 is Alonso Speaker 2 is Mike - the Moderator Speaker 3 might be Romy?