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Transcription: [00:33:51]
{SPEAKER name="Michael Stone"}
En ciertos sentidos los clubes de lowriders y el movimiento suyo son similares en el sentido de que es un conjunto de personas que tienen la misma idea, la misma experiencia y todo eso.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Stone"}
Okay, uh sorry about that.[laughter] Um, I'm trying to paraphrase what he's saying. Um, and then I'll try and translate it. Apart from this sort of, you know, the imagery, this sort of aesthetic aspect of
{SPEAKER name="Michael Stone"}
muralism and lowriding there's also the social and political component, which is to say that in both cases, um, these represent collective kinds of activities that bring people together to work to express a sense
{Speaker 2}
of common identity and a common sense of pride. Um, maybe we can hop across the border here for a minute and we got a representative from one of, you know, I guess you told me the other day there might be about
{Speaker 2}
twenty really solidly established car clubs in El Paso at this time. Um, you know, rather than, well I think I'll just let [[?]] give his perspective to the same question.
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
To kind of make a - make an example or rather show similarities between the two, um, I'd have to say it's all apart of an expression again. The muralists where they'll use either canvas or on walls, often times
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
express something within themselves. In that same manner, the artists, or the automotive muralists in this case, would do the same thing just on a different canvas, so to speak. Um, also a lot of the, a main
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
difference would be, I'd have to say a lot of the murals by Carlos and Alonso are politically motivated, where as the murals done by the automotive muralists are more towards - show, just to show they list from
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
humorous to the extremely wild, bizarre, sometimes even macabre or horror. There's a lot of graveyard scenes sometimes, it's also to catch an eye, to announce attention, to bring attention to the individual
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
{SPEAKER name="Michael Stone"}
But it's also the case, isn't it? There are muralists, for instance - I've never actually met him but a lot of people talk to me about him, a fellow named Ray Davis in El Paso who has both painted murals and
{SPEAKER name="Michael Stone"}
apparently also, you know been quite involved in the whole sort of custom cars scene and the lowrider scene. Um, you know may know him, I don't, I never had a chance to meet him, but isn't it true that there's a
{SPEAKER name="Michael Stone"}
certain amount of crossover between the two mediums, you know people will use their artistic skills in both areas?
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
By all means, especially along the border where there are sometimes communication problems, um like with myself for an instance: I don't speak as much Spanish as I really should. So, the artists use pictures and
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
symbols to convey meanings to each other, that sometimes wouldn't be conveyed through the butchering of each other's language. I know my brothers here sometimes speak to me in Spanish and I respond to them with
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
something totally off-the-wall, and the expressions on their faces would show me instantly that I totally missed it - totally missed the whole whole concept with their telling me. Um, but you know, in the spirit of
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
unity that exists between the two nations, particularly there on the border. The artists do get together, and that kind of communication gap, that barrier is overcome through the art - through the art. And um, Ray
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Davis is actually an example of that: he's a real big promoter of custom vehicles, he does a lot of work extensively through El Paso and New Mexico area. And um, he's also instrumental and he's one of the first
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
people who got me involved with mural-ing. So I am well acquainted with Ray Davis and I'm happy to mention his name, he's a very big promoter, very, very well-known among the lowriders.

Transcription Notes:
See [[?]]