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Transcription: [00:14:16]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Yeah actually we were fortunate enough to visit

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
No, we were there, we, actually, it's the funniest thing. We were taking pictures of Diego paintings, and...

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
and the presidential palace we were about to... to

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
We were running from the security guard because they were like "no pictures, no pictures." Like okay, okay. So we're walking out and one of us like runs off to the side takes a picture, and they run, It's all for, you know, the love of murals. But it was the funniest thing.


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
You know, yeah.
It's come a long way. I mean, if you would have told me 20 years ago that you can design some graffiti on a computer, print it out and paint it on the wall, I would've said you're nuts. You know what I mean, but I'm doing it everyday. It's just. It's just a. Graffitis got through an evolution and it's continue to, you know, it's continuing to evolve so. I mean we've just finished doing some projects and uh, we paint, we paint some, we paint a lot of stuff that people are (aren't) aware that we're responsible for it. We've done uhm aids uh. A children's ward for aids in metropolitan hospital. We're currently doing uh Saint Barnabas hospital, children's ward uh in collaboration with the Bronx Zoo if they ever give us the final artwork.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Part of the reason we we do what we're doing. And got started as a graffiti company was what we noticed that a lot of these bigger companies were trying to design like graffiti style ads and trying to market to young audience but they were using commercial or graphic artists who knew nothing about the art form. So even though they would try to do a graffiti style, when you looked at it, it look so fake. You could tell, a lot of these people knew it was fake. So we decided to position ourselves like if they're gonna be using this art form, then at least they should be using actual practitioners of this art form. You know if anyone deserves to make money from it and it should be the ones who live this.

{Speaker name = "narrator"}
I'm sorry we have actually we do have to stop because there is something else coming up at 3:30. But if you have any other questions, Tats crew is working on another mural right over here and they have photos of their work and you can talk to them and ask them questions and the Ingwis are on the other side of the New York section and you could probably see the neon from here actually and you can go and see the demonstrations and talk to them about the process of how they um make the glass. Thank you.


{Speaker name = "narrator"}
...Days but has had unsuspected, you know, skyrocketing success ever since they were first-formed.