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Transcription: [00:00:00]
{SPEAKER name="Javier Leon"}
Well, good afternoon, ah, we are here. My name is Javier Leon, I am an ethnomusicologist, worked with different kinds of musics in Peru and originally from Peru.

{SPEAKER name="Javier Leon"}
Um, I'm going to, we're going to do something a little bit unusual, in comparison we are going to have two facilitators.

{SPEAKER name="Javier Leon"}
because there are two of us we have different experiences with different of the presenters so I'm going to be working with, Ummm the Afro-Peruvian musicians um here, and my co-presenter

{SPEAKER name="Violet Vicky"}
hi, yeah, I'm Violet Vicky and I'm here with Leonardo, I'm from the Radio Ucamara, and um yeah, so we will be uh having a dialogue together, some different perspectives on this theme.

{SPEAKER name="Javier Leon"}
So to, um, what we're going to be talking about the issue of cultural invisibility.

{SPEAKER name="Javier Leon"}
Entonces vamos hablar sobre el tema de invisibilidad cultural. En general, para tener una buena discusion una cosa,

{SPEAKER name="Javier Leon"}
Sorry, I keep doing this, I'm going back into Spanish when I shouldn't.

{SPEAKER name="Javier Leon"}
um, one of the things, Peru is well known for different kinds of cultural diversity and often times associated with the highland regions and with Quechua speaking people, and oftentimes

{SPEAKER name="Javier Leon"}
because we have that sense of cultural diversity, we tend to forget that there are other kinds of other smaller minority groups and who are oftentimes as a result of that, kind of render a little more invisible in how people see Peru,

{SPEAKER name="Javier Leon"}
or even how people kind of works internally. All the presenters here today are people who in different ways have been working with different projects to use to kind of give more visibility to their communities.

{SPEAKER name="Javier Leon"}
Lo que acabo de explicar es que en el Peru se conoce la diversidad cultural de Peru, pero muchas veces le herencia que más se reconoce es la herencia indigena,y Quechua, y que a veces otras comunidades minoritarias sea por ejemeplo indigenas amazonicas, o afroperuanas, no son tan bien conocidas, y que eso lleva a la necesidad de distintos tipos de proyectos para resaltar y combatir esa idea de invisibilidad.

{SPEAKER name="Javier Leon"}
I've been talking