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NARA 709

Bur. R. F and A. L.
Kinston Lenoir Co. N.C. May 28th 1867

Maj. C.E. Compton
Comd'g. Mil. Post.
Goldsboro N.C.

I have the honor to state that I have received from Office of Asst. Comr. at Raleigh S.O. No. 71 which makes Jones Co. N.C. a part of the Sub-Dist. of New Berne, N.C., and would ask, very respectfully, if I am relieved from all jurisdiction in that county 

I would further respectfully ask if I am to make any reports to Lt. Col. Moore Sup't. of New Berne or make all reports to yourself

I have the honor to be, Major,
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
H.H. Foster
Capt. V.R.C. Bvt. Maj. U.S.V.
Sub-A. Comr. Bu. R.F & A.L.

Transcription Notes:
Tried to capture punctuation exactly as-is. Some abbreviations on address/signature very hard to make out. I think New Berne should be New Bern but seems to be misspelled.